
A Bloggers Guide to Blogging

How to write your own blog for the Community Wellbeing Space

Here in the Community Wellbeing Space we are inviting you to blog with us. It may be a single review of how you feel about the space, a summary of an event you attended or even a story of something that happened as a result of having come to the space.
But to ask you to just write would be cruel so I, Ema, have been tasked with the job to write a blog to help you bring forth your thoughts and emotions in a way that other members of the community (and our funders) may see the Community Wellbeing Space though your eyes.

So why do we want your voice online?
As a community run organisation we would not be who we are without the local community. We often hear stories from each you when you come into the space, over a cup of tea, during our activities and when we see you around Westerhailes. These stories are too precious to be just a quick chat (and we have to tell our funders how we are affecting the community) so we are reaching out for stories, reviews and narratives about the wellbeing space through your eyes, in your voice and to create a collection of tales that show the heart of Westerhailes and its potential for the future.

So How Do You Blog?

Create a catchy title.
Something that grabs your attention with humour or provokes thought. Play around with a few ideas and don’t settle on a title until you’ve finished writing. Write down keywords (like blog, event, wellbeing, art, Wester Hailes) and play around with the order.

A sentence about what the blog is about i.e. A blog about how to write a blog for events

What is this blog about? Why did you go / what is your connection to what you are writing about? Set the scene (where / when / why)

Overview of what happened
List what happened in chronological order. Pick out 1 or 2 key information from the form which needed extra detail and write those stories first. Fill in the gaps with other details that need to be said but not in as much detail. How did things finish?

Reflect on what happened, how it impacted you or the community. What would you take away from the event (love of magic tricks, trying cooking at home) Any Further Info?Are there going to be more events happening soon?

End with some links to the events social media or websites
We really look forward to seeing what you will write for us. Email your blog posts to

Community Wellbeing Space,
Westside Plaza Shopping Centre,
Wester Hailes Road, EH14 2SW

All activities are FREE
Edinburgh Art Festival
The Scottish Government
The City of Edinburgh Council
Creative Scotland
Kingdom of the Netherlands
Mondriaan fund